COVID-19: Radon testing and mitigations are considered essential services because people spending more time in their homes exposes them to greater amounts of radon. Professional House Doctors and our employees are taking this risk very seriously and continue to make the health and safety of our customers our top priority. We are requiring all employees to refrain from handshakes, to respect social distancing and to wear face coverings at all possible times. In addition to following CDC guidelines, our precautionary measures to reduce the spread of the virus help us to serve you safely. Thank you for your understanding.
radon mitigation and radon testing in des moines, iowa

High Radon Levels in Iowa Homes

why radon levels are high in iowa

Did you know that Iowa is THE worst state in the country for radon? Iowa soil, famous for growing quality corn and beans, is also responsible for emitting high levels of radon. And in case you haven’t heard, radon is a radioactive and cancer-causing gas found in the homes of many Iowans.

Because of the high levels of radon in Iowa, there is a 73% chance that you have a radon problem in your home.

Iowa homes are more likely to be affected by high levels of radon than any other state in the country, with three out of four homes having radon levels higher than the EPA action level. The health hazard occurs as radon gas breaks down into radioactive particles, which can get trapped in your lungs as you breathe. As the particles decay, they give off bursts of radiation. (The bursts are so strong they can cut glass!) Inside your body, these bursts of radiation cause damage to lung tissue and can lead to lung cancer.

According to the Surgeon General, radon is the number one leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers in the United States. An estimated 400 deaths per year in Iowa are caused by radon-induced lung cancer. To put that in perspective, that is about the same number of annual deaths in Iowa for traffic fatalities.

Radon levels can vary greatly from home to home, and the only way to know if your home has a radon problem is to test it.

But how do you know what levels are safe? And what is the best way to test radon levels? We are Professional House Doctors, a Des Moines, Iowa company, and we have all the answers to your radon questions! We are Iowa’s leading radon company with over 35 years of experience, and it is our goal to provide you with as much information as possible to protect your family from radon’s harmful effects.

Please feel free to browse our website for more information about radon or our radon services. We love to talk about radon, so if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us today!

Don't forget to like us on Facebook for interesting updates.

No one knows radon better than Professional House Doctors, Inc.®


Please do not hesitate to contact us. Radon is our life, we love to talk about radon and to help in any way we can.
"We just had J.B. and crew install radon mitigation in our home, because we were so happy with their work in our previous home. So professional and thorough and easy to work with. Gives us peace of mind. Thanks again!" - Louise D. View more client testimonials»
  • des moines radon mitigation, radon testing and radon removal company located in des moines, iowa
  • des moines radon mitigation, radon testing and radon removal company located in des moines, iowa
  • des moines radon mitigation, radon testing and radon removal company located in des moines, iowa
  • des moines radon mitigation, radon testing and radon removal company located in des moines, iowa
  • des moines radon mitigation, radon testing and radon removal company located in des moines, iowa
  • des moines radon mitigation, radon testing and radon removal company located in des moines, iowa
  • des moines radon mitigation, radon testing and radon removal company located in des moines, iowa
  • des moines radon mitigation, radon testing and radon removal company located in des moines, iowa
  • des moines radon mitigation, radon testing and radon removal company located in des moines, iowa

Thank You to the thousands of families and clients that have trusted us over the last 30 plus years to bring them the very best radon testing and mitigation services available.

Thank You for making us #1 and allowing us to earn a living doing what we love!