Radon Testing and Removal in Adel, Iowa
Your local Radon Testing and Removal experts in Adel, IA.
Professional House Doctors, Inc® is a nationally recognized expert for Radon Testing and Removal in Adel, Iowa.
We have tested and installed thousands of radon removal and radon mitigation systems and have helped clients all over the country to solve some of the most complex and challenging radon problems in America.
We're confident that with our years of experience with Radon Testing and Removal, whether it be purchasing a new home or your existing home, we can help ease you concerns about radon exposure.
We have helped several families in the Adel area with Radon Testing and Removal whether it be in residential, multi-family, and commercial properties with our professional radon services.
What are Radon Levels in Adel, Iowa
Iowa is the worst state in the nation for radon with 3 out of every 4 houses testing above the EPA action threshold of 4 pCi/L.
Iowa’s average is more than 2 times that amount coming in at 8.5 pCi/L. To give you some perspective, the national indoor average is 1.3 pCi/L.
What Is Radon?
Radon is element # 86 on the periodic chart of elements. It is a colorless, tasteless, and odorless gas with a radioactive half-life of only 3.82 days. Radon is created when radium, element #88, breaks down through radioactive decay. Radium's half-life is 1622 years. The amount of radon in your home will be determined by the amount of radium present in the soil that surrounds your house. It also depends on the ease of entry and amount of negative pressure within the home.
Radon is radiation. There are no safe levels of radiation, so the higher your radon level, the greater your risk. Health experts recommend that you try to minimize your exposure to all forms of radiation including x-rays, nuclear radiation and solar radiation, but especially radon because of its ability to mutate cells within the human body.